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Shifts in drug seizures in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic

A new analysis of law enforcement drug seizures in five key regions of the United States, led by NDEWS Co-Investigator Dr. Joseph Palamar, found an increase in methamphetamine and marijuana confiscations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Investigators examined trends in seizures of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and fentanyl within five High…

Introducing NIDA’s New National Drug Early Warning System

NDEWS was first funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in 2014 to expand the longstanding Community Epidemiology Workgroup (CEWG). In April 2020, the second iteration of the NIDA-funded NDEWS was awarded to our team from the University of Florida, New York University, and Florida Atlantic University. NDEWS…

Eutylone intoxications: an emerging synthetic stimulant in forensic investigations

NDEWS Co-Investigator Dr. Bruce Goldberger and NDEWS Scientific Advisory Group Member Dr. Barry Logan, along with other collaborators at NMS Labs and the Center for Forensic Science Research and Education, recently published an article on the synthetic cathinone eutylone (bk-EBDB), which was identified in 83 forensic investigations from thirteen states.

The National Drug Early Warning System (NDEWS) is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (U01DA051126) to the University of Florida (PI: Cottler; Co-Is: Goldberger, Nixon, Striley), New York University (Co-I: Palamar), and Florida Atlantic University (Co-I: Barenholtz).