The NIDA-funded NDEWS Coordinating Center at UF
The National Drug Early Warning System (NDEWS), funded to the University of Florida by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), provides the field with timely, salient, and valuable information on emerging substance use trends.
About nDEWS
Coordinating Center
NDEWS is led by scientists from the University of Florida, New York University, and Florida Atlantic University. Our Coordinating Center (CC) draws heavily on established and emerging public health surveillance methods and integrates expertise from multiple disciplines.
Early Warning Network
Our Early Warning Network is comprised of scientists from 17 urban, suburban, and rural areas in the US. They regularly collect community-level indicators of drug use, morbidity, and mortality.
Scientific Advisory Group
Our Scientific Advisory Group is composed of 13 scientists from across the US and 6 experts from relevant government agencies to advise NDEWS leadership on relevant indicators, data harmonization, and interpretation.
Using novel surveillance to detect emerging drug trends
One aim of the new NDEWS is to incorporate and leverage novel surveillance methods to ensure early detection of signals of new and emerging drug trends, including data from "drug checking," an ongoing national venue-intercept study, our new Virtual HealthStreet, and the development of an innovative machine learning approach to detect emergence of new psychoactive substances in real-time through algorithms deployed to darknet drug markets and forums.

Recent news
Q&A with NDEWS Scientific Advisory Group member…
Jim Hall is a retired epidemiologist who worked for 35 years at Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida, and since 1982 has served as director…
NDEWS CPDD Posters and Presentations
This weekend, the NDEWS team will be traveling to attend the 86th College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Annual Meeting in Montreal, Quebec…
Post-CPDD Briefing
The 86th CPDD Annual Meeting is now over; held in Montreal this past week, the meeting had the highest attendance ever! On Saturday, we held our…
snow dashboard
State and National Overdose Web
The State and National Overdose Web (SNOW) is an interactive dashboard directed by NDEWS Co-Investigator Dr. Bruce Goldberger. SNOW contains information regarding drug-related outcomes in participating NDEWS sentinel sites across the United States. SNOW is publicly available and is to be used solely for informational purposes.

Last modified: 08/21/2024